In all of our hearts lives the WITCH!
Keeper of the sacred hearth, Mother of creation,
Daughter of the Earth, birthing beauty her vocation.
Healer of broken bonds, she dances love across the land,
Hand in hand with her Sisters,
Her very presence spells magic and mystery.
But demonised by history,
Smothered and lied about,
Belittled and cast out,
She has laid low.
Banished to the abandoned cellar of our psyche,
She has busied herself alone,
Blowing life into the memories held deep in our bones,
And gently simmering our longings, In her great cauldron of gold,
Awaiting patiently the time for her return.
And how our hearts yearn for her now.
So come in Woman!
Take the keys to your true potential,
And open the door of the Witches' House.
Explore her wisdom and wares,
Look long in her mirror of truth and dare,
To reclaim what is rightfully yours!

The Witch is a powerful archetype. Deep in our bones we know her magic and her goodness yet we also know the fear she evokes; for centuries she has been demonised and cast out, twisted and turned into the evil old hag, practicing her maleficium  in league with the devil.

We carry the tragic legacy of the witch-hunts as a deep wound in our feminine psyche which affects us in so many ways; it leaves us playing small, afraid to speak up, mistrusting or envious of other women, unsure of ourselves, feeling isolated and disconnected. 

At The Witches' House, our mission is to change all of that, to resurrect the Witch to her rightful place as a positive female force of Nature! A Wisewoman, Healer and EarthKeeper, a sovereign woman in connection with her innate magic, creativity and femininity.

Archetype work can help us come home to our authentic Selves. In these turbulent times of chaos and break-down, they offer us signposts to our inner knowing and to our inner moral compass of wisdom and truth. Now more than ever we are called to reconnect with our Inner Witch and bring her out of the shadows of shame to live once again as a magical being!

This work is both personal and collective. It's beautiful when we do it together. If you're called to healing the wounds of the past and to walking the path of empowerment, then welcome!
Please read on to discover how you can join us at both online and in-person events.....

WISEWOMAN sits by the fire in her chair,
INTUITIVE feels the change that’s in the air,
TEMPTRESS dances love across the land,
CREATRIX dreams up beauty with her hands.
HEALER mends the wounds of separation,
EARTHKEEPER tends the future generations,
SISTER knows the circle is her power,
Weave them all together on the old witching hour!

Online Events

An online programme is coming soon. Please sign up for the Newsletter to receive updates and announcements.

In Person Events

Monthly workshops exploring each Archetype are happening at The Storey in Lancaster, facilitated by Cali White. Please read on for more details.

Return of the WITCHES An Archetypal Journey to the Source of Your Power and Magic!

Come into the Witches' House and meet the seven Archetypes of the Witch. Each of them has gifts to share, each of them holds a key to your own power and potential!

In this introductory day, you will be guided to reclaim the magic and medicine of your inner Witch through creative and experiential practices.

The Witch is awakening! Women it's time! Will you answer her call?

At The Storey, Lancaster
Cost £75

Next date tbc

Return of the WITCHES
"W" is for Wisewoman

The majority of those persecuted as witches were post-menopausal women; Elders from communities that had forgotten the value of wisdom derived from lived experience. And as this forgetting is passed down through the generations, we have gone seriously off track.

The path of the Wisewoman is not for the faint-hearted; it requires us to spend time in the shadows of pain, fear and anger or we become bitter and resentful.  

Exploring this together with the support of our Ancestors can be a beautiful and transformational journey. So come join the coven and let's travel together as we reclaim the power of our wisdom.

At The Storey, Lancaster
Cost £75

Next date tbc

Return of the WITCHES
"I" is for Intuitive

For hundreds of years, witches were persecuted for the perceived harm that resulted from their magic. Make no bones about it, magic is real and life can be a magical experience. There are many tools and techniques we can use to help us tap into our magical powers.

At the source of this is our intuition. Magic and intuition go hand in hand and yet we have been conditioned to believe that our intuition is not to be trusted or that using it is somehow "woo woo".

It's not! We need it! Come join this magical circle as we explore and reclaim the power of our intuition and some of the many ways we can use it as a force for good!

At The Storey, Lancaster
Cost £75

Next date tbc

Return of the WITCHES
"T" is for Temptress

The Temptress holds the key to our sensuality and sexuality, our life force energy that dances love across the land!

But for thousands of years she has been demonised as whore, seductress, succubus, stealing our femininity and shutting us down. As a result we struggle to live our true and fullest lives. 

Come back to the Temple of your beautiful body and be guided to gently reclaim your sensual essence. It's time to shift the cloaks of shame and awaken our passion for a beautiful life!

Saturday 13th April 2024
At The Storey, Lancaster
Cost £75

Info and Booking

Return of the WITCHES
"C" is for Creatrix

We are born creative, we are here to be creative, our creative energies express themselves in many different ways. Yet so often we receive the messages that we're no good.

In these turbulent times BEAUTY is the antidote to the chaos we are experiencing and the Creatrix knows this to be true. She shows us the pathway to a beautiful life in which we thrive and grow.

It's time to shake off the conditioning that told us we were no good and reclaim our creative juices in ways which enhance our lives. Our survival depends on it and you are needed! Come activate your inner Creatrix and be part of saving the world!

Join me for this very special day in collaboration with The Medicine Spoon Memorial as we remember through our creativity those persecuted as Witches during the Burning Times.

Together we will create Memorial flags to honour the names of those accused and in sacred space, heal the wounds of the past. This promises to be a rich and empowering day.

Click the link to read more.

At The Storey, Lancaster
Cost £35

Next date tbc

Return of the WITCHES
"H" is for Healer

Every Witch worth her salt knows that our bodies are designed to be healthy and to heal themselves. And that we have the capacity to know what we each need for our own "wholeness" and wellbeing. 

As healers, we cannot give from an empty cup and so our own healing process must be a priority. In a world where our time and energy feels constantly pulled by others, by jobs, by keeping the wolf from the door, our self-development is often relegated to the back seat.

This is a day for YOU! For you to reconnect with your own needs; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and to receive the nourishment you need to refill your depleted cup!

At The Storey, Lancaster
Cost £75

Next Date tbc

Return of the WITCHES
"E" is for EarthKeeper

During the witch-hunts the Land Enclosures displaced our Ancestors from their homelands, severing relationships with Nature. This  cultural disconnection with the Earth has led us to the brink of extinction as we face the impacts of extraction, pollution, deforestation and the destruction of whole eco-systems.

The Witch offers us a pathway home for she knows that it is through the infinite power of Nature we will find the medicine we need to heal our breaking hearts and minds.

Come join her as she tends her magical garden and reclaim your sacred place as Earthkeeper in this day of powerful ritual and ceremony.

At The Storey, Lancaster
Cost £75

Next Date tbc

Return of the WITCHES
"S" is for Sister

The witch-hunts drove a  wedge of betrayal and mistrust into the hearts of women creating a rupture in female relationships and a shattering of the sisterhood support system.

Healthy sisterhood is vital to our wellbeing, so come be part of the circle as we journey to reclaim the gifts that await us through the wound of separation.

It was said that Witches never worked alone! They were right! When women gather, magic happens! 

At The Storey, Lancaster
Cost £75

Next date tbc